Off The Road is a website that I am developing that will give musicians a place to look for jobs when they’re not touring. Inspiration came from a former babysitter’s situation. She was a touring musician with a band of note, but she still had to babysit for income when she wasn’t touring. I sent a google survey to working touring musicians to find out what they do for work when they are off the road and how they feel about it. Touring constantly is the only way to make money for most musicians. When off the road, finding jobs in music-related fields is difficult. Instead, many musicians resort to working unrewarding and low-paying temp jobs. All on top of the fact that working musicians already have jobs—making music. Off The Road aims to solve these problems by giving musicians an easy way to find music-related jobs. Businesses pledge to take a chance on musicians by posting jobs and creating or contributing to grants that allow musicians to focus on creating while still getting paid.
Sketch / Photoshop / Illustrator / Final Cut / After Effects / Logic Pro (Stock Music)